Propping apple tree branches

Propping apple tree branches

By late August to September, apple trees can become heavily laden with fruit, risking broken branches if not properly supported. To prevent this, use a length of timber to prop up the branches. If you grow hazel trees, you might find a suitable branch with a good fork for this purpose. If not, a piece of timber, such as a 3x2, or larger depending on the branch's diameter, will work.

To fit the branch properly, cut a notch into the timber. It's crucial to secure the prop well, as the first autumn storm in September can test its stability. To ensure the branch doesn’t break under pressure, you may need to drive a long screw through the timber and into the branch. Just remember to remove the screw after the harvest.

Additionally, some apples can be harvested a bit earlier and are ideal for making pectin-rich jellies.