How to store your pumpkins

How to store your pumpkins

How to Store Your Pumpkins or Winter Squash for the Winter

Pumpkins and winter squash are excellent additions to the winter diet, not only because of their nutritional value but also because they store exceptionally well, often lasting until March of the following year. To ensure long-term storage success, it's important to follow a few simple steps, starting with harvesting at the right time and properly curing the fruits.

1. Harvest at the Right Time

To maximize storage life, it’s essential to harvest pumpkins and winter squash when they are fully ripe. The best indicator of ripeness is their color and the hardness of the skin:

  • Pumpkins should be a deep, rich orange, and their skin should feel tough and resistant to pressure.
  • Winter squash should also have a hard outer skin, while their flesh inside should be a deep orange hue.

2. Protect Against Frost

Leave the pumpkins and squash on the vine as long as possible, ideally until the end of September, but be mindful of early frosts. Frost can damage the fruits, shortening their storage life. Once the weather starts to cool, and there’s a risk of frost, it’s time to bring them indoors.

3. Curing for Storage

After harvesting, the next critical step is curing, which helps toughen the skin and heal any minor cuts or bruises, increasing their shelf life.

  • Place the pumpkins and squash in a dry, sunny area, such as a polytunnel or a veranda, for about two weeks.
  • Make sure not to cut the peduncle (the stem); leaving a small portion of the vine attached helps prevent rot from developing at the stem’s base.

4. Optimal Storage Conditions

Once cured, move the pumpkins and winter squash to a cool, dry, and well-ventilated place, such as a back kitchen, pantry, or cellar. Ideally, the temperature should be between 10-15°C (50-59°F). Ensure they are not stacked too tightly to allow airflow, which helps prevent mold and decay.

5. Delicious Uses

Pumpkins and winter squash are not just for storage – they’re versatile and delicious in the kitchen. Some of the best ways to enjoy them include:

  • Roasting: Slice the squash or pumpkin, drizzle with olive oil, add a sprinkle of garlic, cinnamon, or your favorite herbs, and roast until golden and caramelized.
  • Purée: Once roasted, the flesh can be puréed to make soups, pies, or even baby food.
  • Soup: Their rich, sweet flesh makes for a comforting and velvety soup when blended with stock, spices, and a splash of cream.

Enjoy Your Winter Bounty

By following these steps, your pumpkins and winter squash can remain a staple in your kitchen throughout the cold months. Their natural sweetness and hearty texture will enhance your winter meals, whether roasted, puréed, or turned into a warming soup. Bon appétit!